

Just for Laughs

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The Goon Squad (Very) 23 December 2015, 19:38
Santa says to his reindeer.... "i'm f****d off with wearing this ridiculous red outfit and acting a twat every year"... His reindeer replies... "now you know how United feels!!"

The Goon Squad (Very) 24 December 2015, 11:27
Does anyone know how to cancel a bid on ebay? I put in a bid for a clown outfit and I'm 15 minutes away from winning Chelsea

The Goon Squad (Very) 22 December 2016, 22:06
I just been offered a job cleaning mirrors, now that I think about it, its something I see myself doing

The Goon Squad (Very) 22 December 2016, 22:06
I think we should give fat people a break, they have a lot on their plate

Leicester Fosse (Ian) 22 December 2016, 23:27
After my wife died, I haven't been able to look at other women for 10 years...

But now that I'm out of prison I can honestly say that it was worth it.

Chaz City (Chaz) 22 December 2016, 23:31
Oscar Pistorius wanted to get a new bathroom door, but his girlfriend was dead against it.

Understated Excellence (Messiah) 22 December 2016, 23:37
The Goon Squad wrote:
Santa says to his reindeer.... "i'm f****d off with wearing this ridiculous red outfit and acting a twat every year"... His reindeer replies... "now you know how United feels!!"
Why was Tony Adams driven to drink. He saw into Arsenals future

The Goon Squad (Very) 26 December 2016, 02:48
Wham sung a song "Last Christmas" hown ironic

The Goon Squad (Very) 26 December 2016, 02:50
George Michael dies and within 5 minutes WHAM people are telling jokes

The Goon Squad (Very) 12 January 2017, 01:41
I'll never fly Virgin Airlines. Why would anyone want to fly an airline that doesn't go all the way?