

The Noob Bible.

Posted in General

The Dark Carnival (Orzel) 1 November 2012, 14:40
The thread for all Noob questions, general hints and tips.

1. Forum Etiquette. Always read the FORUM RULES before posting, and do not spam the forums with topics. If you have a question, ask in here and someone will do their best to answer it. In valuations and sales forums, please do not create multiple topics about the same player, duplicate topics are not allowed under the Sales Forum Rules. If you have multiple players you would like to have valued, or to sell, please create just one thread and put all the player links in there, do not create a seperate thread for each player. When creating a topic, please use a relevant title not "?????" and be clear about what you are asking.

2. VM Premium The advantages of Premium are the ability to see a players total stats (With VM Basic, you can see individual stats, but not the combined total), the maximum training ground you can reach on basic is Red (Large training ground), the maximum stadium capacity is limited to 1000 without Premium, VM Premium gives you the ability to create 5 youths per week, with basic, you cannot create any. Without Premium, you cannot use a trainer or scout, but you are able to purchase them - if a basic user purchases a trainer or scout they have wasted their money as they cannot use them. With Premium you can use trainers, see sections 8 and 9 for more info. If your premium runs out however, you will revert back to basic limitations, even if you have expanded your training ground or stadium above them while you have had Premium, or employed a trainer, you will no longer be able to use them above the basic limit.

3. Sponsorship Most people normally ask for 4 x your VIFA points as the base amount and 2 x your VIFA points as a bonus amount. You can locate your VIFA points by clicking your club name and hovering the mouse over your VIFA rank. Sponsorship applications are for the next season, and will be accepted or rejected during the Sunday Update (approx 4pm UK time) and paid during the Sunday update at the end of the season you have been sponsored for. The best time to apply for these is after your last game of the season as during the update your VIFA points get halved so this is the time when you will have the most VIFA points. Apply for sponsorship

4. Making money You make money through gate receipts so inviting other teams to friendlies will earn you money in ticket sales if they accept. Please do not create new forum topics asking for friendlies, there is a thread specifically for that purpose HERE

You can also make money through trading players. The advice here is to buy cheap and sell for more, pick an age group and watch the market for a few hours/days to see what the prices are like, it's quite easy to work out what is a good deal that way. Once you have got successful in trading in that age range, expand into others.

Players are cheapest during the daytime so keep an eye out for bargains - after 6pm the site gets busier and prices tend to be higher so this is a good time to sell.

5. Talents and youth players Youths CANNOT be traded until they have trained 5 times, if released before this point they will go on auction for 24 hours and then to the free transfers market., the club that releases them will not receive any money if someone buys them on the auction.

Talent players have a high training average and are identified by a small blue T symbol ( ). Talents can only be aged between 15 and 18 years old, after that they do not have a symbol, even if their training is higher than the required level. The Talent status is worked out based on the player's AVERAGE over the course of their last 12 trainings, but can be given after 5 trainings based upon those trainings. Talent prices vary wildly because they are based on the player's potential. It will take a long time for you to work out what a Talent is worth and why. There is the Player valuations forum to help you with that. Talent status is assessed daily at around 1pm UK time, and can be granted at this time or if a player's average falls below the threshold, the symbol will be removed. Talents can be created on any ground, as it is based on the player's potential. The ratio of talents is about 1 in every 20 youths so if you don't get one in your first week, don't be surprised. Many people who have been on the game for years have created less than 5.

On the below image - ignore the potential points column - it is only useful once you understand a bit about the talent system - it is used to compare talents across training grounds.

6. Wonderkids Wonderkid status is granted between the ages of 17 and 22. It is assessed daily at 1PM UK time. It is identified by a small green WK symbol and is based mainly on stats and stat placement rather than training. For example if you have a 17year old Forward, with excellent training, and amazing stats but his finishing is rubbish, he is not likely to get the WK as finishing is obviously the most important stat for a Forward.

7. Support Tickets Support tickets are not answered immediately. The team are very busy so may take a few days to get back to you. Be patient. They are doing their best and creating threads complaining about the amount of time they are taking will not solve anything. They will get round to you when they can, u are not the only person in the game having to raise support tickets and they work as fast as they can to get through them all. To raise a support ticket CLICK HERE

8. Training Think of each stat as a bucket needing to be filled, If you train on aerobic for example which only works Stamina, fitness and acceleration stats, and your player does 99XP then that's 0.99 buckets of water distributed across 3 stat buckets. If your player was already near to filling those buckets, he could go up by one in every stat, if he wasn't close to filling up those buckets then he may not have any stats improve but will fill them up so that next time, he will go over and start a new bucket. These "buckets" are indicated by the green bars which tell you how full the bucket is. The 99% will not necessarily be divided equally between the 3 buckets too depending on how much effort you put into each stat on the training screen.

Training without a trainer means your team will always be trained on normal intensity on training match. This means that the training will be divided across all the stats. You need a trainer to select the activities and intensity with which your players train, which enables you to target specific stats. Trainers are expensive and a bad trainer is not worth having, it is a complete waste of money. Youths you create which become Talents will do so without a trainer, and not having a trainer generally fetches a higher price than having one. The players you will have when you are starting out are not going to benefit from having a trainer because they are not good enough. When you do have a trainer, the higher intensity the training, the more energy the players will lose, but the higher the potential for the training. Players with low energy or morale will not train as well as those with high energy and morale. You can train once per day and this cycle begins at 11pm every day - if you don't train in a 24 hour period, then you just lose that training, it doesn't roll over onto the next day or anything like that. Below images advise of what each different activity does:

9. Trainers Don't try and run before you can walk, wait until you can afford a trainer, as mentioned above, a bad one is not worth having and they are all expensive. When u can afford a trainer, the only attributes that matter are Youth, Keeper and Outfield - every other stat is irrelevant. These are graded out of 20, i would suggest that 18 is the minimum acceptable stat amount to make it worthwhile having - for example if you are looking for an outfield players trainer then look for one 18 or above in BOTH youth and outfield but as he won't be training your keeper, his keeper stat can be 1, it's irrelevant. Trainer stats DO NOT increase so don't buy one thinking he will get better... To find staff you need to go here: Staff search or have a look in Scouts/Trainers Wanted, feel free to request people to help you find one in here too,

10. Playing players out of position It matters where you place players on the pitch in relation to their favourite position. If you place the player on a green spot in the tactics editor, his performance will be 100%. In the yellow spots, it'll be 80% and on the red spots it is 50%..

11. Trading Trading always involves an auction. If you buy players from the transfer list then they will go on auction for 15 minutes and you can be outbid. This is to ensure cheating is minimalised. Most activity in an auction takes place in the last 15 minutes or so, so there is no point bidding for great players with 14 hours left on an auction, because you might well be leading it until 14 minutes when you are immediately outbid. Leading an auction ties up your credits so you cannot use them elsewhere. The transfer market is closed from 11pm to 7am everyday, again to minimalise cheating - if you buy a player off the transfer list between these times, the auction will not be 15 minutes, it will be until 7am.


12. Prize money You get prize money regardless of where you finish in a league - the amount is determined by where you finish and what league you are in, to find out prize money click on your league and then click prizes on the left hand side. This is paid out during the Sunday update at the end of the season.

13. Ticket pricing You should set your ticket prices low (5C) to begin with and then if you are selling out your stadium every week, then move it up by 1C until u are selling out again, then up by another 1C etc. The page to change ticket prices is the stadium page, which can be found by clicking on stadium on the left hand side of your homepage or club profile page (Or clicking HERE. You can check crowds on the match summary pages in the top right hand corner.

The only way to get more fans is by winning matches and climbing the leagues, you will lose fans if you lose games consistently... Bloody gloryhunters!!

14. Changing Leagues/Countries You can apply to change league at any time during the season, but you will not change until the season has ended. To do so, click on "World" at the top of the page to get to the World Map Page - click on a country and then u get a button appear on the left with "apply to join this league".

15. Bug reports Bug Reports is where you can report any glitches and bugs with the game. This is not the same as raising a support ticket. Support tickets refer to general gameplay issues within your club, such as if you feel you have been unfairly punished, cheat reports, and payment problems. Bug reports refer to a problem within the game that is actually to do with the coding of the game itself and as such will be being experienced by many people (such as this one). To report bugs within the game you can use The Bug report Page

16. Banners and Logos If you would like to request someone make you a Banner/Logo then please post in THE BANNERS AND LOGOS FORUM . Make sure you read the Banner/Logo Forum rules before posting as they are very specific to that forum.

17. Player Values All players are compared to those of the same age and then the better ones get the better value.

Other factors that determine value are the stat placement (Eg a striker needs good finishing etc), whether he is two footed, age, training etc.

18. Scouts
(Thanks to Sean for the contribution)

On the scout page you will see an overview of your scouts and your completed scout reports. To dispatch a scout click the blue arrow next to his name.

The more groups you define, the more players will be observed and the more imprecise will the report become. If you choose fewer group your scout will observe fewer players, but the report will in return be more precise (that is, more registered training passes per player). This is due to the fact, that the more players a scout must observe the higher is the probability that he will miss a given training pass. Besides, this probability is also determined by the scout's discipline and potential assessment.

You must also define the duration of the research. The more days, the more precise results. If you choose few days the scouts will not gather that much data. You can also define maximum age and value.

Lastly, press "Dispatch" to dispatch the scout. The scout will then try to observe as many youth players' training passes as possible in the leagues you have defined.

Below the list of inactive scouts, you will see a list of busy scouts (if you have any). On this list it is shown when a scout is done with his report.

When the scout is done with his work a report containing his results will appear on the list of completed reports. In the report the scout has ranked a number of players. The actual number of players is determined by the discipline of the scout. To the right in the report you can see how many potential points each player has been giving by the scout. The scout must take the players' club's training facility into account when assessing these points. Scouts with a low potential assessment ability are bad at this, so the rankings may be blurry. Luckily, you can checkout the players manually to find out whether he's worth an investment.[/del]

Above information out of date so crossed out

When thinking about hiring scouts I would advise you ask yourself the following questions:

(1) Can I afford them?
(2) Are they going to prove can I do the work manually?
(3) Are they cost effective?

NB To hire and use scouts you must have VM Premium which can be bought via The Shop

If you still wish to hire scouts then you can look for them by pressing the Clubhouse button at the top of the screen and then, on the left hand side under the heading Office is the Staff Icon, press that. This shows you your current staff employees and a green Staff search button press that and it brings you to a page where you can narrow your search.

It's Important to set the speciality to scout and Job Status to unemployed. Country of origin and the age range is up to yourself. Once you have done this then press the green search button. This brings up all the available scouts you can hire that fit your set criteria. Hover your cursor over the little square icon to reveal each scout's attributes.

When it comes to attributes the important ones are:

O Potential assessment: Determines the scout's evaluation precision when focusing on potential.
O Ability assessment: Determines the scout's evaluation precision when focusing on abilities.
O Motivation: Determines the chance of finding a wild card when focusing on potential.
O Discipline: Determines the maximum number of players in a report.
O Motivation+discipline: Determines for how long the scout will need to rest after finishing a report.

As stated in The Developer's blog

Scouts and Trainers' attributes are shown as a mark out of 20, The higher that mark, the better the staff member. Ideally you should be looking for scouts with 20/20 on as many of the above attributes as possible.

Once you have found the Scout(s) you want, click on his name and then the green Hire Employee button on the left hand side and then the Green Hire Scots name button in the middle near the bottom. above this you will see the costs involved.

Once you have your Scout(s) in place then you have to make them work for their living.

To do this you need to press The Market button at the top of the screen and then under the heading Miscellaneous on the left hand side you will see Talent Scout ,press this and then the green send out button under your preferred Scout.

You then need to narrow your player search ie Age Rating and How expensive can they be?

from The blog:

What does "How expensive can they be?" mean?

Some people have thought that this field means "Player value", but that's incorrect.

The purpose of the field is for you to enter your budget so that scouts won't recommend players you can't afford. That means that you should always enter the maximum amount you are willing to pay for a new player.

When scouts search for players, they compare the amount you entered, with our best guess at what the player will end up costing you. This price is one of the following numbers, depending on what is most relevant at the time:

Auction price > Transfer listing price > Minimum price > Player value > Sign on bonus

So if the player is on auction, we naturally use the current highest bid. Otherwise we use the transfer listing price (if there is one), otherwise the minimum price (if there is one), otherwise the player value (if the player is in a club), and finally the sign on bonus if the player is not in a club.

You can also click on the position icons to make sure your scout looks for a player in a specific position.

You can also narrow the search by looking for players on sale or newly created players (Just tick the relevant box)

You then need to choose country and focus (potential or abilities) once you have done this the cost is displayed and below that you will see a green Send button press that and then the Scout is off searching.

It takes 3 Minutes for the scout to report back and below are the ratings he comes back with:

Below Average

You can also use your Scout to evaluate your own players or the players of a specific team, you do this by pressing the Evaluate Players button on club page

19. Stadium Expansion (Section very kindly contributed by AFC SUDOKU ):


E & W STANDS: Capacity ..100 each X 2 = 200 .................… @ 500C each X 2 = 1,000C
N & S STANDS: .Capacity ... 60 each X 2 = 120 .................... @ 400C each X 2 = .. 800C
CORNERS : ..... Capacity .... 20 each X 4 = .80 …..........……. @ 300C each X 4 = 1,200C
TOTAL Capacity ….................................... 400 ....……..….……………....…...…… 3,000C

E & W STANDS: +250 supporters each X 2 = 500 …......... @ 35,000C each X 2 = 70,000C
N & S STANDS: .+120 supporters each X 2 = 240 .….….....@ 22,000C each X 2 = 44,000C
CORNERS : ....… +90 supporters each X 4 = 360 ………… @ 20,000C each X 4 = 80,000C
TOTAL additional capacity .........................1,100 ……..……...……….…………… 194,000C
TOTAL STADIUM CAPACITY .…................ 1,500

E & W STANDS: +950 supporters each X 2 = 1,900 ...... @ 450,000C each X 2 = 900,000C
N & S STANDS: .+520 supporters each X 2 = 1,040 ...... @ 300,000C each X 2 = 600,000C
CORNERS: ....... +290 supporters each X 4 = 1,160 ...... @ 180,000C each X 4 = 720,000C
TOTAL additional capacity ……..................... 4,100 ………….….….…………… 2,220,000C
TOTAL STADIUM CAPACITY ....................… 5,600

E & W STANDS:+3,600 supporters each X 2 = 7,200 @ 2,500,000C each X 2 = 5,000,000C
N & S STANDS: +1,700 supporters each X 2 = 3,400 @ 1,400,000C each X 2 = 2,800,000C
CORNERS: ...... +1,000 supporters each X 4 = 4,000 @ ..850,000C each X 4 = 3,400,000C
TOTAL additional capacity ….........................14,600 ………....…..…………… 11,200,000C
TOTAL STADIUM CAPACITY ........................ 20,000

E & W STANDS:+10,200 supporters each X2=20,400 @12,000,000C each X2=24,000,000C
N & S STANDS: ..+5,600 supporters each X2=11,200 @..8,000,000C each X2=16,000,000C
CORNERS: ........+3,100 supporters each X4=12,400 @ .5,000,000C each X4=20,000,000C
TOTAL additional capacity …........................ 44,000 .…….…...…..…...…….. 60,000,000C
TOTAL STADIUM CAPACITY ….................... 64,000

E & W STANDS:+13,800 supporters each X2=27,600 @48,000,000C each X2=96,000,000C
N & S STANDS: ..+6,400 supporters each.X2=12,800 @28,000,000C each X2=56,000,000C
CORNERS: ....... +3,900 supporters each X4=15,800 @18,500,000C each X4=74,000,000C
TOTAL additional capacity …........................ 56,000 ....….......……..………. 226,000,000C
TOTAL STADIUM CAPACITY ...................... 120,000

Important stats

Important stats vary by position (eg tackling for defenders, finishing for strikers etc) but there are some less obvious ones that have important whole team effects.

Applicable only for the team captain, or his replacement.
The captain's leadership gives a bonus to all players on the team.
100 in the captain's leadership stats adds 10% to all your players stats each match.
50 in leadership adds 5%, and so on.

The captain's perseverance is doubled, so it is important for him to have a high stat there too.

It is your players' total perseverance that counts. That way, we get the effect that your players with high perseverance can inspire the less enthusiastic ones. Obviously, only those players currently on the pitch are taken into account.

When your team is behind in the match. high perseverance will lessen the negative effect that players get when they are losing.

Perseverance is also crucial in determining the home advantage.
The more the home team's perseverance exceeds that of the away team,
the greater their home advantage.
However, if the away team has more total perseverance than the home team,
they can reduce the home team advantage or even completely eliminate it if their perseverance is really superb.

The home advantage starts at 5% (1% in cup matches) if the two teams have exactly the same total perseverance.
It rises if the home team has more perseverance than the away team and falls if the away team has the most perseverance.
If the home team has 2x (or above) as much perseverance as the away team, then the home advantage is 10%
If the away team has 2x (or above) as much perseverance as the home team, then the home advantage is 0%

In this calculation, all players in the match simulator get a base perseverance of 10. Thus, if a player has 2 perseverance, it will be counted as 12 in the match simulator. Base perseverance is added because otherwise there would be huge fluctuations in the lowest leagues where players have very low abilities. Without adding base perseverance, an otherwise insignificant difference of 1 or 2 in perseverance would have a huge effect. Adding base perseverance also gives the effect that the mental game becomes more important, the higher you advance in the leagues.

Thats about all I can think of at the moment. This thread will be constantly updated and hopefully should help the new players out and keeps all the noob questions in one place for future reference.

The Virus (Covid) 1 November 2012, 14:42
Good stuff tom I'm sure that will make alot of people very happy.

Deleted club 1 November 2012, 14:52
Thank you, was about time!

Harlem Heroes (NCC Legend) 1 November 2012, 14:59
Welcome return Polski. Let's hope people use it smiley

Deleted club 1 November 2012, 15:10
about time

see - those of us with what feels like early onset alzheimers really need this

The Dark Carnival (Orzel) 1 November 2012, 15:11
DTF FC wrote:
about bl00dy time

see - those of us with what feels like early onset alzheimers really need this
smiley Thats why I made it in the first place smiley

Johns Army (John) Forum moderator 1 November 2012, 16:11
Cannot belive my eyes smiley First Norwich Beat Arsenal then draw with Aston Villa then beat Tottenham then this the Noob Bible Returns Whats next Polski The Empire Does not Strike Back ? smiley

Deleted club 1 November 2012, 16:16
I have highlighted this topic so everyone can always see it as i believe it is a very useful help for all.

Thanks Polski

Deleted club 1 November 2012, 17:41
Good move om

Deleted club 1 November 2012, 19:24
Polski Rok wrote:
3. Sponsorship You should ask for 4 x your VIFA points as the base amount and 2 x your VIFA points as a bonus amount. You can locate your VIFA points by clicking your club name and hovering the mouse over your VIFA rank. Sponsorship applications are for the next season, and will be accepted or rejected during the Sunday Update (approx 7pm UK time) and paid during the Sunday update at the end of the season you have been sponsored for. The best time to apply for these is after your last game of the season as during the update your VIFA points get halved so this is the time when you will have the most VIFA points. Apply for sponsorship
Can I ask you to adjust this to say that its normal to do this rather than you should.

I and a lot of people I know use a completly different system. Its slightly risky but when you pull it off the amount you make pales this into comparison.

However, there is nothing wrong with this system as a "norm"